domingo, 17 de maio de 2009


Several authors have demonstrated the potential gravitational discoverers in their stages: current and primary - stood out among them Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. It was important also to participate in the demonstration of Galileo Galillei the free fall of bodies with the same acceleration for all provided that the above vacuum. Isaac Newton formulated the law of gravity by mathematical principles - a major step forward for science. From the fall of the apple, concluded that there is a force interacting between the apple and the Earth and between the Earth and Sun and and vice versa. Albert Einstein made a very important way to demonstrate the process through the metaphor of a fabric of events in which the matter sinks in space and the depression that way, makes it run into all the matter that is around. However it is necessary to advance the research so you can visualize the process that anticipates the event. José Mota Pereira, came to this concept, editing in his books: "The point of the Infinite" and "Fundamentals of the Universe" covering all the theory step by step that requires the meantime the subject. It is important to understand a key role as the subject is behaving and what it takes to converge to each other, all the matter that is the back and also how they converged. José Mota Pereira, said based on his theory that in principle it is to follow an order that transcend the space and time scale immeasurably infinity. The proof is the logical relationship between geometry and numeric digits. Galileo already used in their studies of the universe this combination of geometric figures and mathematics. In short, the whole field converges for you, a strength - is the gravitational force. Each point of the converging field for themselves all other points, is an energy or force each other in a ceaseless process and collective. An object larger or more dense attracts smaller or less dense in the same way that are also attracted. The smaller object from the biggest acts more on his own field of gravity. This phenomenon to occur we must understand that each point of the matter is its center coinciding with the center of mass of the universe eternal "equal in absolute level, hence the name" Center for absolute level of the universe. " (The eternal universe is meant as a "unity which transcends the beginning and the end of space and time in all dimensions). In this context the center of the universe is everywhere, every point is center and each center is the reference level for all. Reference to the relationship with the infinite a single center for all "will also be considered, because without that reference only the gravitational field is not obvious. Parallel to this insight, the gravitational field arises from the balance between two opposing forces and primary among them determined by the vacuum and pressure that are genuinely part of the universe. Everything in nature comes from what is originally ... And so the universe continues with its insights. - From the theory of the fabric of events in Albert Einstein and de José Mota Pereira, a "difference or similarity. That the matter sinks in space to determine the force of gravity while converges to you in proportion, all the matter around them by the action of the depression that forms in the tissue. In the emerging field of its mass in space to determine the force of gravity as the mass is far from its core, converges to you in proportion, all the matter around them by action of the gap that is formed with the "Center for Absolute Level of the universe. " It should be emphasized that the recent theory, answered in detail the diversity of questions that are related to the phenomena about the gravitational potential. Example: Earth (planet) is the focal point coinciding with the level "Level Absolute Center of the universe." This level is everywhere because the space time is infinite in its essence and consequently every point is center and is in absolute level regardless of where you are. The objects that are on earth, are converging to the interior and are part of the body because they are predominant in a body, its mass is greater. If the objects are far from a main body, the convergence would be to their own bodies, the absolute level of the universe is also in their centers. - The relativity between bodies arise from other forces and phenomena of which consists of nature. Assumption: Suppose we can construct a vertical tunnel to the center of the Earth. - Suppose you could drop a ball of 1000 kg (one tonne) suspended by a spy trapped in a balance that is above the Earth. Note that while the ball goes down, the weight in the balance will decline to zero when reaching the center. At this point the ball will remain suspended, only adhering to its core as does the Earth suspended in space and converging to its center all that is out. See that the center of the ball is level with the center of the Earth. The center of the earth therefore is capped with the "Center of absolute level of the universe." Note: The whole theory of baseline to have come first to the theoretical principle of this scientific work, it is edited by the author in the book "The Line of the Infinite." This book is not published. The Endless mathematical logic expressed in linear scale Make a linear scale of numbers starting at zero digit if followed in an increasing order toward infinity. Example: (one, two, three, four ...). Now in the opposite direction do the same thing. - Start the level from scratch after assuming infinite. Is mapped, so the line that concludes the design of infinite linear or what is determined by an infinite line. Note that the number zero is the absolute center of the scale, but from any other number, is also on the absolute center. So it follows that at any point on this scale, is the center absolute distinction therefore is the "Center of absolute level of the universe." For a more holistic view is needed multidimensional unfolding line that the "Center of absolute level of the Universe" is homogenized and omnipresent in all horizontal and vertical dimensions of the event. This analogy is considering the space cosmic scale in the design of an infinite "cradle" for all events. A space full, empty, inert and immutable where nothing happens and everything can happen when you are inside it. However the universe presents itself not as a metaphor for a line, but as a circle. Not as a circle, but as a ... "Sphere."

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